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real writing for real moms


oh hey, welcome.

I created Hops and Hairballs in 2018 when I was pregnant. My ankles were swollen and I couldn't drink it seemed like a natural next step in the hobby department.

I've since brought two beautiful ginger babies into the world and

written a few things along the way.


What started as a personal project has become something more. I've found my storytelling resonates with people. I've found my voice and an outlet during a season of life when it's easy to lose sight of both those things.


Motherhood is hard. Being a wife, friend, working mom, and anything else at the same time is even harder. My stories are real and true because these moments can't be sugarcoated. What would it look like if we stopped pretending we had it all together? If we admitted to everyone that this is hard as hell?


It would look messy; a mess of kid toys and glitter and cat hair and dirty laundry. There would be more tears and more fights. There would also be forgiveness and more joy and community than you ever thought possible.


I hope you embrace the mess and I hope you know you're not alone. As I look back on the beginning of 2020, it's clearer than it has ever been - we need each other.


So grab a cold beer,

sweep that cat hair under the rug,

and let's tell some stories about how hard

and how amazing

this all can be.







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